SilcoTek Coating Blog

SilcoTek Exposes 5 Thanksgiving Myths, Or Are They Facts?

Written by Marty Higgins | November 18 2016



It's turkey time!  My favorite time of year.  It's a time when families gather, eat a fabulous meal and watch great football...errrr bond together, yeah, that's it we sit and talk around the fire, and never watch football...  Who does that?  We all have our family traditions, my family is no different.  To give you an idea of how serious my family takes Thanksgiving, here's a short video of my family having a wonderful holiday dinner.  Now that's a true family experience! 

At SilcoTek®, our tradition is to get together and enjoy a fabulous Pre-Thanksgiving meal.  It's a great way to whip that tummy into feeding frenzy shape and to chat with everybody about their upcoming turkey day plans.  Rarely is there talk about the holiday itself.  How did we get to this wonderful and calorie crammed day?  There are lots of facts and myths surrounding Thanksgiving.  Let's take a quick look at facts and myths surrounding the day of bird and maybe we can understand how it all came about.  Or not.  On Myth we can dispel right now; no we don't bake our turkey in a SilcoTek process oven!

Here are 5 barely interesting Thanksgiving myths or are they facts?

1. Myth or fact?  The average person consumes 4500 calories on Thanksgiving.  Oh that one's got to be fact.  I feel like a bowling ball after thanksgiving dinner.  Yes it's true, the average person gains over a pound that day.  Get your running shoes on because you'll need to run over 25 miles to work that bird off!  What a buzz kill!

2. Myth or fact?  Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving an official holiday just so he could get great deals on Black Friday?  Well that one's partially true.  Honest Abe did make Thanksgiving a holiday, but no it was not a ruse to get good shopping deals.  I hear he actually preferred Cyber Monday.

3. Myth or fact?  The world's largest turkey weighs 5000 pounds!  No way that one's true.  I've seen birds in the grocery store that tipped the scales at maybe 50 lbs, 5000 pounds?  Impossible!  But yes it's true you can find fat Tom in Frazee, MN.  This one's made of steel, much like some overcooked birds I've made.  Unfortunately I don't think this guy will fit into our process ovens.  

4. Myth or fact?  You're more likely to have a hangover on Thanksgiving day.  Skeptics may doubt this one, but yes it's true.  The night before Thanksgiving is the busiest for bars around the country.  I would have guessed New Years Eve, but no, the bars are filled to capacity with people coming home and catching up with old friends.  So it stands to reason you'll be looking for some comfort food the day after.   

 5. Myth or fact?  The song Jingle Bells was originally a Thanksgiving song!  Impossible!  What does dashing through the snow in a sleigh have to do with turkey?  The sleigh is not being pulled by that 5000 pound bird is it?  Well in fact Jingle Bells was composed for a kid's Thanksgiving church performance by James Pierpont in 1857.  The song was so popular that they sang it again at the Christmas performance and it "went viral" as a Christmas song.  Hijacked again by Christmas, drat!

Well that list told me nothing about Thanksgiving!  But it did give me some fast facts to throw about while I'm having drinks with friends this Wednesday!

Want real facts about SilcoTek, we'll talk turkey with you anytime.  (Sorry, I couldn't resist).


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