Webinar - When to Use a SilcoTek® Coating in Corrosive Environments (and When to Consider Alternatives)


SilcoTek's coatings offer a high performance corrosion solution in a multitude of environments, but materials must be selected carefully based on the application.

In this webinar, you will:

  1. Learn how SilcoTek's coatings work and why they're different than other corrosion resistant coatings

  2. See applications and success stories where SilcoTek coatings provide super alloy performance at a fraction of the price

  3. Understand when a SilcoTek coating can help to boost lifetime and performance, or when you may want to consider an alternative

When to Use a SilcoTek® Coating in Corrosive Environments (and When to Consider Alternatives)

Approximate Length: 50 Minutes


April 2017-corrosion-webinar

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