Webinar - An Inside Look at SilcoTek's Coating Process


SilcoTek's chemical vapor deposition (CVD) coating process is unlike any other in the world.  This webinar will give you an inside look at how SilcoTek's technicians take customers parts from good performance to great performance with their innovative silicon coatings.  

Unlike typical dip or spray coatings, SilcoTek's gas phase CVD coating process can be applied to extremely complex or narrow part geometries without impacting design tolerances.  Coatings from SilcoTek provide industry-leading corrosion resistance, chemical inertness, oxidation protection, hydrophobicity, and other advanced properties that are not attainable with standard surface treatments.

An Inside Look at SilcoTek's Coating Process

Approximate Length: 30 Minutes

*Please excuse audio quality for the first ~1 minute of the presentation.   

Q4 2016 Coating Process Webinar Thumbnail.png



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