The Best Of The Best.  Our Top 5 Blog Posts

October 28 2016 Hydrophobicity & Moisture Resistance


What good is a competition if you don't measure it?  We put our thinking caps on and decided to pit this year's blog posts up against each other and see which one comes out on top.  Our second competition choice was to see who could hold their breath the longest, and we all know how that turns out.  Of course this competition came down to a popularity contest, in the end isn't it always about who's the most popular?  (Don't answer that...)

Without further ado, here are the top 5 most popular blog posts for 2016.  So far.


Number 5

How to Improve High Temperature Hydrophobicity and Oleophobicity

We've had a lot of interest in hydrophobic surfaces lately.  The process, analytical and semiconductor fab customers recognize the need for managing moisture in order to improve yield or test performance.


Number 4

One Detail That Can Kill Your Entire Tier 3 Compliance Program

Tier 3 compliance is of course a big issue for refiners.  At least we hope folks are interested in Tier 3 compliance and not killing Tier 3.


Number 3

Do's and Don'ts of Refinery, Flare, Oil & Gas Sampling

Another oil and gas post proved to be very popular.  Flare sampling Subpart JA compliance and flare management continues to be a key focus for refiners.


Number 2

One Way To Assure Tier 3 Compliance

I read once that the most unhappy person standing on the podium is the one who gets second place.  Apparently researchers had nothing better to do than study photos of competition results and found the second place folks looked rather miserable.  I guess the 3rd place person was just happy to be there and number one was well... number one so what you have left is poor old number 2 standing there, miserable.  Tier 3 captured 2 of our top 5 spots, so there's no need to be sad Mr. Tier 3.  


number_1_finger.pngNumber 1*

How to Remove Rust, Corrosion on Stainless Steel

This one leads the pack by a wide margin.  Clearly there's a need for a solution for rust control on stainless steel surfaces.  Coincidentally, we happen to offer several corrosion resistant coatings that are perfect for controlling rust on stainless steel.  Huh, strange how some things work out.

View Corrosion Resistance Data

*Image credit: