SilcoNert? Dursan? Silcolloy? SilcoTek offers 8 standard coatings and lots of specialty coatings. So which coating is best for my application? Here's some help picking a coating.
How Do I Pick the Right Coating For My Application?
In this blog post you will learn:
- About an easy way to pick the right SilcoTek® coating for your application.
- Learn about a new coating selector that will help pick a coating in just a few clicks.
- Learn about each coating and how they're used.
- Get coating performance data for your application.
SilcoTek has a lot of information and data on our website, all designed to help our customers pick the right coating for their application. Selecting the right coating is critical to achieving the optimum performance benefit from our coatings. That's why we offer a lot of information about our coatings and how they perform. That way you the customer can make an informed decision about whether our coatings are right for you.
Resources we offer range from:
New Coating Selector, a Tool When Buying and Using SilcoTek Barrier Coatings
If you click through our website and read the whitepapers and case studies you'll be able to find a coating to fit your application. But that can take some work and time. To help our customers find the best coating for their application we've developed a coating selector. The coating selector will ask the reader a series of questions, just click on the appropriate answer and the selector will suggest a coating that best fits the application. Go to our selector to give it a try, it only takes a few seconds to pick a coating.

What to Do After You Use Our Coating Selector
After getting a suggested coating from the selector, we recommend you read through the information provided on the selector's suggested coating page, just to be sure the suggested coating is right for your application.
We also recommend you discuss your application with a Customer Service Representative before sending parts to SilcoTek for coating service. We'll confirm the coating is appropriate for your application and confirm shipping instructions, billing and answer any questions you may have about our coating service.
About Our Coatings
Here's a quick summary of our coatings and a general description about how their used.
- SilcoNert® 1000 (Silcosteel®)
A general-purpose passivation layer for steel and stainless steel. SilcoNert 2000, Silcolloy or Dursan are usually a better fit for our customers. Get data sheet.
- SilcoNert® 2000 (Siltek®/Sulfinert®)
The ultimate passivation of treated surfaces, from glass to high nickel alloys of steel. A required treatment for metal components when analyzing for parts-per-billion levels of organo-sulfur compounds, mercury, and other reactive chemicals. Get data sheet.
- Silcolloy®
A corrosion resistant layer that increases the lifetime of system components in acidic environments containing hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, or seawater. Also a tremendous oxidation-resistant barrier. Get data sheet.
- SilcoKlean®
Dramatically reduces carbon coke buildup on stainless steel components. Get data sheet.
- SilcoGuard®
Greatly reduces outgassing from components of ultra-high vacuum systems. Get data sheet.

- Dursan®
Our most versatile coating. A cost effective coating that's ideal for corrosion resistance in pH 0-14 environments but also highly inert for low-level (ppm) sampling. Ideal for harsh processing or analytical environments, Dursan also offers 2x the wear resistance of bare 316 stainless steel. Get data sheet.
- Dursox®
A ceramic-like silicon oxide (SiO) film. Ideal for protecting parts for corrosive applications. Get data sheet.
Our newest coating. Notak® is a fluoro-functionalized coating applied by our patented CVD process technology. Notak is a water repelling hydrophobic and non-stick surface that prevents fouling of surfaces. Notak is a new coating technology and is available on a limited basis. Please contact our Sales Team to discuss your application, and Notak performance specifications. Get data.

Once you're sure about a coating, you have the option of sending your parts SilcoTek for coating service or you can buy coated products directly from the manufacturer. Go to our Products and Partners Page to learn more.